Performance Stat Categories

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Performance Stats Categories

Performance Stats Categories

Lua memory

  • 1: name -- Name of the resource, except for "Lua VM totals" which is all combined.
  • 2: change - Change in memory usage in the last 5 seconds.
  • 3: current - Current memory usage of the listed thing.[Eg. a resource, or Lua VM]
  • 4: max - Max memory usage of the resource since it started.
  • 5: XMLFiles - How many XML files are open by the resource.
  • 6: refs - Probably short for references, what this is exactly is unknown but amount of event handlers is definitely part of this.
  • 7: Timers - How many timers the resource is using.
  • 8: Elements - How many elements the resource has created which are still in existence.
  • 9: TextItems - same.
  • 10: DxFonts - same.
  • 11: GuiFonts - same.
  • 12: Textures - same.
  • 13: Shaders - same.
  • 14: RenderTargets - same.
  • 15: ScreenSources - same.
  • 16: WebBrowsers - same.

Lib memory

  • 1: name This category is only used by developers.
  • 2: change
  • 3: current
  • 4: max

Lua timing

  • 1: name - Name
  • 2: 5s.cpu - CPU usage in the last 5 seconds.
  • 3: 5s.time - CPU time spent in last 5 seconds on this resource.
  • 4: 5s.calls - Unknown[Maybe functions calls]
  • 5: 5s.avg - 5s avg CPU usae
  • 6: 5s.max - 5s max CPU usage
  • 7: 60s.cpu - same, but 60s.
  • 8: 60s.time - same, but 60s.
  • 9: 60s.calls - same, but 60s.
  • 10: 60s.avg - same, but 60s.
  • 11: 60s.max - same, but 60s.
  • 12: 300s.cpu - same, but 300s.
  • 13: 300s.time - same, but 300s.
  • 14: 300s.calls -same, but 300s.
  • 15: 300s.avg - same, but 300s.
  • 16: 300s.max - same, but 300s.

Packet usage

  • 1: Packet type - Packet type, could be incoming, or outgoing.
  • 2: Incoming.msgs/sec <- Read the name..
  • 3: Incoming.bytes/sec <- Read the name..
  • 4: Incoming.logic cpu - Amount of logic thread CPU usage that processing these packets requires.
  • 5: Outgoing.msgs/sec <- Read the name..
  • 6: Outgoing.bytes/sec <- Read the name..
  • 7: Outgoing.msgs share <- Read the name..