From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
This function returns a table of all the rights that a given ACL has.
table aclListRights ( acl theACL, string allowedType )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: acl:listRights(...)
Required Arguments
- theACL: The ACL to get the rights from
- allowedType: The allowed right type. Possible values are general, function, resource and command
Returns a table over the rights as strings in the given ACL. This table might be empty. Returns false or nil if theACL is invalid or it fails for some other reason.
This example outputs the rights of the given acl. (TESTED!)
addCommandHandler("aclRights",function(player,command,theAcl) if(theAcl~="")then rights = aclListRights(aclGet(theAcl)) count = 0 for acl,list in pairs(rights)do outputChatBox("ACL List: "..theAcl.." #"..tostring(count).." Right: "..list..".",player) count = count + 1 end else outputChatBox("Please type in a acl that you want to retrieve the rights from.",player) outputChatBox("Please use this Syntax: /aclRights theACL ",player) end end)
See Also
- aclCreate
- aclCreateGroup
- aclDestroy
- aclDestroyGroup
- aclGet
- aclGetGroup
- aclGetName
- aclGetRight
- aclGroupAddACL
- aclGroupAddObject
- aclGroupGetName
- aclGroupList
- aclGroupListACL
- aclGroupListObjects
- aclGroupRemoveACL
- aclGroupRemoveObject
- aclList
- aclListRights
- aclReload
- aclRemoveRight
- aclSave
- aclSetRight
- hasObjectPermissionTo
- isObjectInACLGroup