Authorized Serial Account Protection

From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki


Help, I can't login (game)

To allow the last attempted serial, use the authserial command in the server console.
For example, to allow the last attempted serial for account MrBob, enter the following command in the server console:

authserial MrBob

Help, I can't login (HTTP)

To login to the HTTP web interface, there are two options:

Authorize an IP address:

  • Join the MTA server
  • Login to the account
  • Disconnect from MTA server (optional)
  • Login via HTTP


Set a special password:

  • Use the command authserial <account_name> httppass in the server console
  • Note the supplied 7 digit code
  • Login via HTTP and append the supplied 7 digit code to your password

Main documentation


New from 1.5.3, Authorized Serial Account Protection provides a way to prevent password reuse causing damage to your server.

How to enable

Open mtaserver.conf and find <auth_serial_groups> and change to below. (If <auth_serial_groups> does not exist, then add it)


If you wish to protect other ACL groups, then add them separated by commas, e.g.:


How to disable

Open mtaserver.conf and find <auth_serial_groups> and change to below

[[{{{image}}}|link=]] Note: Authorized Serial Account Protection helps prevent your server from getting hacked. If there is a chance any of your admins are using the same password on other servers, then do not disable this feature.

How to use

To allow the last attempted serial for an account, enter the following command in the server console:

authserial <account_name>

To view authorized serials for an account:

authserial <account_name> list

To remove the newest authorized serial for an account:

authserial <account_name> remove

To enable HTTP login from an unauthorized IP, use the following command to get a 7 digit code which should be appended to the HTTP login password (Requires server version 1.5.4-9.11302)

authserial <account_name> httppass