
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

This function creates Custom Scroll Pane Widget.


cspane CustomScrollPane.create(float X, float Y, float Width, float Height, [bool Relative, gui-element Parent])

Required Arguments

  • X - Position on X axis on screen of widget
  • Y - Position on Y axis on screen of widget
  • Width - Width of widget
  • Height - Height of widget

Other Arguments

  • Relative - Relative of coordinates and size (if false, position and size will be absolute). Default - false.
  • Parent - GUI Element of parent or Window Object. Default - nil.


Creates scroll pane and returns object of class CustomScrollPane.


This scroll pane can be scrolled with Middle Mouse Button (and horizontally with Shift + Middle Mouse Button), or like touchscreen - hold Left Mouse Button, and drag panel.


Code Example

This example just creating window with scroll pane with 50 buttons:

local Window = CustomWindow.create(50, 50, 250, 220, "Example")

local SPane = CustomScrollPane.create(5, 25, 240, 190, false, Window)

for i = 0, 4 do
	for j = 0, 9 do
		CustomButton.create(5 + 75*i, 5 + 30*j, 70, 25, "Button "..(i+1).. " "..(j+1), false, SPane)


See Also

Resource Wiki with content located here: Resource:CustomWidgets

Custom Widgets

This methods working for all elements except CustomDialogs and CustomTooltips

Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Windows

Create Function

Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Buttons

Create Function

Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Progress Bars

Create Function

Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Scroll Bars

Create Function

Set Functions

Get Functions

Custom Edit Boxes

All functions, what has mark CustomEditBox available for CustomEdit, CustomMemo and CustomSpinner.

Create Functions

Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Check Boxes

Create Function

Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Combo Boxes

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Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Tabbed Panels

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Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Labels

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Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Dialogs

Create Function

Event Functions

Custom Tool Tips

Create Function

Set Function

Get Function

Custom Loadings

Create Function

Set Functions

Get Functions

Custom Scroll Panes

Create Function

Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Table Views

Create Function

Set Functions

Get Functions

Event Functions

Custom Static Images

Create Function

Set Function

Get Function

Event Functions

Custom Text Boxes

Create Function

Set Function

Get Function

Custom Events

Other about Custom Widgets