From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
The light class represents colored, 3D lights in the GTA world. There are a couple different types of lights, which are point lights, spot lights and dark lights.
The element type of this class is "light".
Note: The XML syntax is not implemented yet, but is a representation of what it would be if implemented. |
XML syntax
<light posX="" posY="" posZ="" type="" radius="" color="" dirX="" dirY="" dirZ="" shadows="" />
Required Attributes
- lightType: An integer representing the type of light to create.
- 0: Point light, which illuminates surroundings evenly across the light radius.
- 1: Spot light, which illuminates the direction of the light defined by dirX, dirY and dirZ.
- 2: Dark light, which darkens its surrounding elements to full black.
- posX: A floating point number representing the X coordinate on the map.
- posY: A floating point number representing the Y coordinate on the map.
- posZ: A floating point number representing the Z coordinate on the map.
Optional Arguments
NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.
- radius: A floating point number representing the radius of the light.
- color: The color of the light in HTML style format #RRGGBB, defaults to black (invisible) if not specified.
- dirX: A floating point number representing the light direction's X coordinate on the map.
- dirY: A floating point number representing the light direction's Y coordinate on the map.
- dirZ: A floating point number representing the light direction's Z coordinate on the map.
- shadows: A boolean representing whether or not does the light cast shadows.