GUI Classes/Button:AddOnTextChanged

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You can use this method to attach a function to a sham event which is triggered when text changes. The function you pass to this method will be triggered whenever button text changes (when object:Text is used)


bool Button:AddOnTextChanged ( function func )

Required Arguments

  • func: the function you want to add to a list of functions triggered when text changes
function func( buttonObject btn, string oldText, string newText )
Parameters which are passed to this function
  • btn: button object which was created with Button:Create and the function was attached to
  • oldText string containing old text before the text was changed
  • newText string containing new text of the button


  • true if function was added successfully
  • false otherwise


This example creates a button. The button has two functions attached to it, one is triggered when user clicks the button (to change text on the button) and the other one is triggered when the text has changed (which sets the text back to the old text).

addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(),
    function( )
        --create a button object
        local button = Button:Create( 0.7, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, "Hello", true );

        -- and attach a function to the button which changes its text
        button:AddOnClick( changeMyText );

        -- add myTextHasChanged to the list of triggered functions when text changes
        button:AddOnTextChanged( myTextHasChanged );

--setup a function to change the text
function changeMyText ( )
    local text = button:Text( ) --get the text from the button
    if text == "Hello" then
        -- if text of button was "Hello", change it to "World!"
        button:Text( "World!" );
        button:Enabled( false );

function myTextHasChanged( btn, oldText, newText  )
    -- if new text is "World!" then set a timer which will change it back to old text (in this case "Hello")
    -- and enable the button
    if newText == "World!" then
        setTimer( btn:Text, 2500, 1, oldTex );
        setTimer( btn:Enabled, 2500, 1, true );

See Also

Back to GUI Classes page

Button class

Check Box class

Gridlist class

Label class

Memo class

Progress Bar class

Radio Button class

Scroll Bar class

Static Image class

Tab class

Tab panel class

Text Box class (formally known as Edit)

Window class

Shared methods with all classes