
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

Emblem-important.png This function is deprecated. This means that its use is discouraged and that it might not exist in future versions.

Please use getAccountPlayer instead.

This function returns the client that is currently using a specified account, i.e. is logged into it. Only one client can use an account at a time.


client getAccountClient ( account theAccount )

Required Arguments

  • theAccount: The account you wish to get the client of.


Returns a client element if the account is currently in use, false otherwise.


This example checks if the user attached to an account is a player, and if so if they're alive.

function isAccountUserAlive ( theAccount )
    local theClient = getAccountClient ( theAccount )       -- get the client attached to the account
    if ( getElementType ( theClient ) == "player" ) then    -- see if it's a player (rather than an admin for example)
        if ( not isPlayerDead ( theClient ) ) then          -- if the player's health is greater than 0 
            return true
    return false

See Also