A "race" gamemode sprint vagy szabad barangolási versenyeket szervez, egy vagy több játékos számára. Támogatja a MTA:Race mapokat, és az MTA:SA DM mapokat egyaránt, melyek a map editor-ban lettek lérehozva.
Meglehetősen egyszerűen játszható a race. Ha van checkpoints, vezessen checkpoint-ról checkpoint-ra és legyen az első, aki célbaér egy bizonyos időn belül. Ha nincs checkpoints, csak kocsikázzon és mulasson.
A race-n belül háromféle típusú pickup-okkal találkozhat, melyek hatással lesznek a járművére:
- Repair pickups: ez a pickup úgy néz ki, mint egy csavarkulcs. Ha áthalad rajta a járműve teljes egészében megjavul.
- Nitrous oxide pickups: egy piros NOS palack. Miután áthajtott rajta, megnyomhatja a "tűz" gombot (alapértelmezés szerint a bal egérgombot), hogy ideiglenes sebességnövekedést kapjon.
- Vehicle change pickups: ezek a jármű nevét jelzik a pickup felett. Rögtön azután, hogy áthajtott egy ilyenen, a járműve azonnal megváltozik.
Végezetűl, ha egy verseny közben beragad, a /kill parancsot használva megölheti magát, hogy újraéledjen az előző checkpoint-nál.
Converting MTA:Race maps
Használja a batch converter, hogy az összes MTA:Race mapot MTA:SA map-ba konvertálja.
Map syntax
Létrehozhat race mapokat az új MTA:SA map editor használatával. Itt megtalája a map szintaxisát referenciaként.
.map file
<map> <!-- One or more --> <spawnpoint posX="X" posY="Y" posZ="Z" rotation="Rotation in degrees" vehicle="Vehicle ID" id="spawnpointID" [ paintjob="paintjob ID" upgrades="comma-separated list of upgrades" ] /> <!-- Zero or more --> <checkpoint posX="X" posY="Y" posZ="Z" color="#FF0000" id="textual or numeric checkpoint ID" nextid="ID of checkpoint after this one" [ size="checkpoint size" vehicle="vehicle ID to change into" type="checkpoint/ring/cylinder/arrow/corona" paintjob="paintjob ID" upgrades="comma-separated list of upgrades" ] /> <!-- Zero or more --> <object posX="X" posY="Y" posZ="Z" rotX="in degrees" rotY="in degrees" rotZ="in degrees" model="model ID" id="objectID" /> <!-- Zero or more --> <pickup posX="X" posY="Y" posZ="Z" type="repair|nitro|vehiclechange" id="pickupID" [ vehicle="vehicle ID" paintjob="paintjob ID" upgrades="comma-separated list of upgrades" ] /> </map>
<meta> <info type="map" gamemodes="race" name="Map name" author="Author name" description="Map description" version="Map version number"/> <race src="Map"/> <settings> <setting name="#optionName" value="optionValue"/> ... </settings> </meta>
The <setting>s correspond to options in MTA:Race syntax. For example, in MTA:Race syntax would correspond to <setting name="#time" value="4:0"/> in DM syntax.
A Race 'addon' is no different from any other script resource, except that is has addon="race" in the <info> section of it's meta.xml file. This is simply to allow Race to identify it and put it in the /config menu for you. Addons communicate with Race via events. The current list of Race events and what they do are here:
Events for version 0.8.3
Note: You may have to add the events in your script using addEvent() if you want to use them.
Name | Source | Parameters |
onPlayerReachCheckpoint | player | int checkpoint, int time_ |
onPlayerPickUpRacePickup | player | int/string pickupID, string pickupType, int vehicleModel |
onMapStarting | table mapInfo, table mapOptions, table gameOptions |
onPlayerFinish | player | int rank, int time |
onPostFinish |
onPollStarting | table poll |
onRaceStateChanging | string newStateName, string oldStateName |
onPlayerRaceWasted | player | vehicle playersVehicle |
onClientMapStarting | table mapinfo |
onClientPlayerFinish | player |
onClientPlayerOutOfTime | player |
onClientMapStopping |
onClientScreenFadedOut |
onClientScreenFadedIn |
Events for version 0.8.3 in detail
Note: You may have to add the events in your script using addEvent() if you want to use them.
Triggered when the race resource starts doing something else.
string newState, string oldState
- newState: the new state
- oldState: the old state
Possible states:
- undefined
- NoMap
- LoadingMap
- PreGridCountdown
- GridCountdown
- Running
- MidMapVote
- SomeoneWon
- TimesUp
- EveryoneFinished
- PostFinish
- NextMapSelect
- NextMapVote
- ResourceStopping
The root element.
Triggered when a player reaches any checkpoint but the last one.
int checkpoint, int time
- checkpoint: the number of the checkpoint the player went through. The first checkpoint has number 1.
- time: time since the race started, in milliseconds.
The source is the player that reached the checkpoint.
Triggered when a player reaches the last checkpoint (i.e. has finished the race)
int rank, int time
- rank: the player's rank. 1 means he won the race, 2 that he came in second place, etc.
- time: time since the race started, in milliseconds.
The source is the player that finished the race.
int/string pickupID, string pickupType, int vehicleModel
- pickupID: the number of the pickup in case of MTA:Race syntax (starting at 1), or the "id" attribute of the pickup in case of DM syntax.
- pickupType: the pickup type. Can be "nitro", "repair" or "vehiclechange".
- vehicleModel: if the pickup is of type vehiclechange, this is the vehicle model that it sets.
The source is the player that picked up the pickup.
Element data
These element data are set on each player:
- race rank: the current position of the player in the race. 1 = first, 2 = second etc. Updated on a 1 second interval.
- race.checkpoint: the number of the checkpoint the player is heading for. When the player spawns this number is 1, after he passed the first checkpoint it's 2, etc.
- race.finished: true if the player has finished, false if he's still racing.
This server only element data is set for the resource root element:
- info: which contains a table with these sub-tables: mapInfo, mapOptions and gameOptions.
Super Advanced Element data
You can also set player element data to change the player collision status and render transparency:
e.g. setElementData( thePlayer, "overrideCollide.uniqueblah", 0, false ) -- Collide 'off' for this player setElementData( thePlayer, "overrideCollide.uniqueblah", nil, false ) -- Collide 'default' for this player setElementData( thePlayer, "overrideAlpha.uniqueblah", 120, false ) -- Alpha '120 maximum' for this player setElementData( thePlayer, "overrideAlpha.uniqueblah", nil, false ) -- Alpha 'default' for this player
Set 'uniqueblah' to whatever you like (up to 15 characters long)
Exported Server functions
int |
getTimePassed |
int |
getPlayerRank | player thePlayer |
boolean |
isPlayerFinished | player thePlayer |
vehicle |
getPlayerVehicle | player thePlayer |