
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

This function retrieves whether San Andreas game glitches are enabled or not, set by using setGlitchEnabled


bool isGlitchEnabled ( string glitchName )

Required Arguments

  • glitchName: the name of the property to set. Possible values are:
  • quickreload: This is the glitch where switching weapons auto-reloads your weapon, without actually performing the reload animation.
  • fastmove: This is the glitch that can be achieved by a certain key combinations whilst standing up after crouching, which allows you to move quickly with slow weapons (e.g. deagle). Side effect: also enables the "crouchslide" bug - use the "NoCrouchSlide" resource to remedy this.
  • fastfire: This is the glitch that can be achieved by cancelling the full fire animation, allowing you to shoot with slow-fire weapons (e.g. deagle) much faster.
  • crouchbug: This is the glitch where the post shooting animation can be aborted by using the crouch key.
  • highcloserangedamage: Enabling this removes the extremely high damage guns inflict when fired at very close range.
  • hitanim: Enabling this allows 'hit by bullet' animations to interrupt player aiming.
  • fastsprint: Enabling fastsprint allows players to tap space with a macro to boost their speed beyond normal speeds of GTASA.
  • baddrivebyhitbox: This glitch leaves players invulnerable to gun fire when performing certain driveby animations.
  • quickstand: This glitch allows players to quickly stand up by pressing the crouch, sprint or jump controls just after realasing the aim weapon button while using one and being ducked.


Returns true if if the glitch was enabled, or false if it is disabled.


This example outputs weather the "fastmove" glitch is enabled or not.

setGlitchEnabled("fastmove",true) -- Enable the fastmove glitch at resource start.

function checkIsEnabled(thePlayer,command)
	if (isGlitchEnabled("fastmove")) then -- Check weather fastmove is enabled or not.
		outputChatBox("fastmove is enabled.",thePlayer,255,255,0) -- If so, output that it's enabled.
		outputChatBox("fastmove is not enabled.",thePlayer,255,0,0) -- If not, output that it isn't enabled.

See Also