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This function checks if is the cursor is inside of a ring-/part. Best way to use it is with dxDrawCircle or circle / ring images.
bool isMouseInRing ( float posX, float posY, float radius, float width, float startAngle, float stopAngle )
Required Arguments
- posX: The center of the ring on the X-Axis.
- posY: The center of the ring on the Y-Axis.
- radius: The radius or the ring.
Optional Arguments
- width: The width (thickness) of the ring you want to check. The radius means the center of the ring, so the width goes in and outside the ring.
- startAngle: The degrees where you want to start the check.
- stopAngle: The degrees where you want to stop the check.
Returns true if the mouse is inside the ring-/part, false otherwise.
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Clientfunction isMouseInRing(posX, posY, radius, width, startAngle, stopAngle) if isCursorShowing() then local SX, SY = guiGetScreenSize(); -- You can remove this line if you already got SX and SY for the screenSize if (not posX or not posY or not radius) then outputDebugString("isMouseInRing: Required arguments are missing", 1); return false end if not (width) then width = SX / 50; end if not (startAngle) then startAngle = 0; end if not (stopAngle) then stopAngle = 359.99; end local cx, cy = getCursorPosition(); local cx, cy = cx * SX, cy * SY; local iMouseRot = findRotation(posX, posY, cx, cy) + 90; if (iMouseRot > 360) then iMouseRot = iMouseRot - 360; end local diffX = math.max(cx, posX) - math.min(cx, posX); -- Calculate the X-Axis difference between mouse and ring center local diffY = math.max(cy, posY) - math.min(cy, posY); -- Calculate the Y-Axis difference between mouse and ring center local iMouseDistance = math.sqrt(diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY); -- Get the distance in pixels between mouse and ring center if (startAngle > stopAngle) then -- Exchange start- and stop angle if startAngle is bigger then the stopAngle local temp = startAngle; startAngle = stopAngle; stopAngle = temp; end if (iMouseRot >= startAngle and iMouseRot <= stopAngle and iMouseDistance <= radius + width and iMouseDistance >= radius - width) then return true -- The mouse is inside the ring-/part else return false -- It's somewhere else end end outputDebugString("isMouseInRing: Cursor is not showing!", 1); -- Remove this line if you know your cursor shouldn't always be showing. return false -- Cursor is not showing end
By: Ceeser
This Example code will check if the mouse in the part of the dxDrawCircle ring and the ring will change its color if so.
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The shown example needs way more resources then a simple dxDrawRectangle function. Using it too often may cause performance issues.
The cursor must be visible to use this function. See showCursor.
findRotation is required to get the rotation of the cursor towards to the center of the ring.