
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

This function returns a table of game resource allocation limits. In GTA:SA resources are allocated on statically-sized pools. Pool information returned may look like this:

    { name = "Buildings", usedCount = 1132, maxCount = 13000 },
    { name = "Peds", usedCount = 2, maxCount = 110 },
    { name = "Objects", usedCount = 44, maxCount = 800 },
    { name = "Dummies", usedCount = 2199, maxCount = 8000 },
    { name = "Vehicles", usedCount = 2, maxCount = 110 },
    { name = "ColModels", usedCount = 2268, maxCount = 20000 },
    { name = "Tasks", usedCount = 7, maxCount = 9000 },
    { name = "Events", usedCount = 0, maxCount = 5000 },
    { name = "TaskAllocators", usedCount = 2, maxCount = 800 },
    { name = "PedIntelligence", usedCount = 2, maxCount = 110 },
    { name = "PedAttractors", usedCount = 0, maxCount = 400 },
    { name = "EntryInfoNodes", usedCount = 104, maxCount = 10000 },
    { name = "NodeRoutes", usedCount = 181, maxCount = 8000 },
    { name = "PatrolRoutes", usedCount = 23, maxCount = 6000 },
    { name = "PointRoutes", usedCount = 273, maxCount = 7000 },
    { name = "PointerNodeDoubleLinks", usedCount = 48, maxCount = 20000 },
    { name = "PointerNodeSingleLinks", usedCount = 3379, maxCount = 20000 },
    { name = "EnvMapMaterials", usedCount = 61, maxCount = 5000 },
    { name = "EnvMapAtomics", usedCount = 98, maxCount = 5000 },
    { name = "SpecMapMaterials", usedCount = 56, maxCount = 5000 },
    { name = "COLSectors", usedCount = 81, maxCount = 256 },
    { name = "IPLSectors", usedCount = 76, maxCount = 255 }

When certain limits (such as the "PointerNodeSingleLinks") are reached within the engine, the game will crash. Hence retrieving pool information during testing is important.


table engineGetGamePoolLimits ()


Returns a table holding internal engine pool limit info.

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This snippet prints out the engine pool information to the client console.

addCommandHandler( "debug_pools",
        local poolInfo = engineGetGamePoolLimits();

        outputConsole( "-- GAME POOL INFO --" );

        for m,n in ipairs( poolInfo ) do
            outputConsole( .. ": " .. n.usedCount .. " / " .. n.maxCount );