
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

Package-x-generic.png This function is provided by the external module IRCEcho. You must install this module to use this function.

Can be used to get the given nick's access level on a channel.

Returns the following numbers:

  • 0: Normal user
  • 1: Voice (+v - +nick)
  • 2: Half-Op (+h - %nick)
  • 3: Operator (+o - @nick)
  • 4: Admin/Super-Op (+a - &nick)
  • 5: Owner (+q - ~nick)


function ircGetStatus ( IRCConnection irc, string channel, string nick )

Required arguments

  • irc: The IRCConnection
  • channel: The channel that you want to check on
  • nick: The person that you want to check on


Example 1: This script can be used from irc, so people can check their rights

function irc_onPrivMsg( szChannel, szNick, szText )
  	if string.find( szText, "!rights" ) == 1 then
		ircMessage( pIRC, szChannel,  szNick .. ", you have level " .. tostring( ircGetStatus( pIRC, szChannel, szNick ) )