Modules/MTA-MySQL/mysql fetch field

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Package-x-generic.png This function is provided by the external module MTA-MySQL. You must install this module to use this function.

Returns a table with information about a field in a query result. You can call repeatedly this function to return all the result fields, and when it reaches the end returns nil. You can also go to a specific field using mysql_field_seek().


table mysql_fetch_field ( MySQLResult result )

Required arguments

  • result: A valid MySQL result


A table with information about a field with the following keys:

  • name: The name of this field.
  • org_name: If you used aliases in the query, the original name of the field.
  • table: The table of this field.
  • org_table: If you used aliases for the table, the original name of the table.
  • length: The maximum length allowed by this field in the table definition.
  • max_length: The maximum length of this field in all the result rows.
  • not_null: True if the field can't be NULL (See mysql_null()).
  • primary_key: True if the field is the table primary key.
  • unique_key: True if the field value is unique.
  • multiple_key: True if the field is part of a key.
  • numeric: True if the field is numeric.
  • blob: True if the field is a BLOB.
  • unsigned: True if the field is unsigned.
  • zerofill: True if the field is zero filled.
  • type: A string representing the type of this field.


Example 1: This example shows how to print the rows of a result set showing the field name.

local result = mysql_query(handler, "SELECT * FROM account") -- Execute the query
for result,row in mysql_rows(result) do -- Iterate through all the result rows
  mysql_field_seek(result, 1) -- Reset the field cursor to the first field
  for k,v in ipairs(row) do
    local field = mysql_fetch_field(result) -- Retreive the field data
    if (v ~= mysql_null()) then
      outputDebugString("row[" .. field["name"] .. "] = " .. v)
      outputDebugString("row[" .. field["name"] .. "] = NULL")
mysql_free_result(result) -- Free the result

See also