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Package-x-generic.png This function is provided by the external module MySQL. You must install this module to use this function.

This functions queries the MySQL server through the MySQL connection that has been opened by mysqlOpen. The result of the query is then passed to the script by calling callback_function. It's syntax and functionality is similar to that of executeSQLSelect.


bool mysqlQuery ( mysql mysqlobj, string callback_function, string query )

Required Arguments

  • mysqlobj : A mysql object created by mysqlCreate
  • callback_function : The function that is called if the operation is done (see below)
  • query : The MySQL query that is sent

Callback Arguments

Your callback function has to accept the following arguments.

On success:

  • table: The 2-dimensional table where the results are stored in: table [row_index] [column_index].

On failure:

  • boolean: False, when no rows are found or an error occured.

Optional Arguments



function onMySQLResult ( table )
	outputServerLog ( "Printing some test results" )
	outputServerLog ( table[1][1] )
	outputServerLog ( table[1][2] )

function onMySQLOpen ( result )
	if ( result ) then
		outputServerLog ( "MySQL connection established." )
		mysqlQuery ( db, "onMySQLResult", "SELECT * FROM test" )
		outputServerLog ( "MySQL connection failed." )

function mysqltest ()
	db = mysqlCreate ()
	mysqlOpen ( db, "onMySQLOpen", "localhost", "bastage", "bastage_pw", "test", 3306 )