Proposal:Sync worlds

From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
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Currently we sync pretty much everything to everyone. We do reduce the quality of the sync somewhat for distant players, but often this isn't relevant.

Here's a proposed solution someone might like to implement to greatly reduce the bandwidth and CPU usage of servers and clients, when servers are configured to support it.


  • Add the concept of 'sync worlds' (need a better name).
  • These can work alongside dimensions.
  • Each dimension is in exactly one sync world (there's one by default that all dimensions are in).
  • Players in a sync world receive updates from all the elements that change in that sync world.
  • Elements not in the sync world the player is in aren't synced.
  • When a player switches between two sync worlds, all the elements that have been modified since they were last in that sync world are sent to that client.
  • During the 'resync', a loading screen or indicator is shown.
  • The default behaviour would not use this new feature.


  • Add a list that stores 'sync world id' and a timestamp to the player class. This stores the last time a player was sent information about an element in that particular sync world.
  • Add a timestamp to each element that stores the last time that element was updated
  • When we modify an element, update the timestamp
  • Need to consider the variety of ways that elements are synced - keysync, packets, RPC etc.
  • Add a function, e.g. 'setDimensionSyncWorld' to specify the sync world a dimension belongs in.
  • Need to bear in mind that the relevant client-side events should be triggered
  • Need to consider elements that are deleted? Maybe keep a per-sync world list of deleted element ids along with timestamps. Or just delete them on every client? Or something else.