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The customblips resource allows you to create Blip icons clientside that appear on radar and on the F11 map. Custom blips can be any image or GUI element.
Exported Client functions
- createCustomBlip
- This function creates a custom blip using DirectX image functions. If the stream radius is lower than 180, then the blip will only appear when it is visible on the radar.
customblip exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( float worldX, float worldY, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, string imagePath, [float streamRadius = 500] )
- guiConvertToCustomBlip
- This function creates a custom blip using any GUI element. If the stream radius is lower than 180, then the blip will only appear when it is visible on the radar.
gui-elem exports.customblips:guiConvertToCustomBlip ( gui-element blipGUI, float worldX, float worldY, [float streamRadius = 500] )
- getCustomBlipStreamRadius
- This function gets the current stream radius of a customblip. Note, stream radius does not affect the F11 map.
float exports.customblips:getCustomBlipStreamRadius ( customblip theBlip )
- setCustomBlipStreamRadius
- This function sets the current stream radius of a customblip. Note, stream radius does not affect the F11 map.
bool exports.customblips:setCustomBlipStreamRadius ( customblip theBlip, float streamRadius )
- getCustomBlipPosition
- This function gets the world position of a customblip.
float worldX, float worldY exports.customblips:getCustomBlipPosition ( customblip theBlip )
- setCustomBlipPosition
- This function sets the world position of a customblip.
bool exports.customblips:setCustomBlipPosition ( customblip theBlip, float worldX, float worldY )
- setCustomBlipRadarScale
- This function sets the scale (where 0 is invisible, and 1 is 100% size. Going beyond 1 will increase the size) of the blip when it appears on the radar, relative to the size specified during creation. Passing nil will default to GTA's radar blip size.
bool exports.customblips:setCustomBlipRadarScale ( customblip theBlip, float scale )
- setCustomBlipAlpha
- This function sets the alpha (values 0-1) of the blip, allowing the adjustment of transparency.
bool exports.customblips:setCustomBlipAlpha ( customblip theBlip, float alpha )
- setCustomBlipVisible
- This function sets the visibility of the blip. Invisible blips will not be drawn.
bool exports.customblips:setCustomBlipAlpha ( customblip theBlip, bool visible )
- destroyCustomBlip
- This function destroys a custom blip.
bool exports.customblips:destroyCustomBlip ( customblip theBlip )
Example 1 This example creates a blip that says 'Spawn' at Toreno's house, using GUI
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() local blip = guiCreateButton ( 0, 0, 25, 20, "Spawn", false ) guiSetFont(blip,"default-small") exports.customblips:guiConvertToCustomBlip ( blip, -700, 960, 10 ) end )
Example 2
This example creates an image blip of "icon.png" at 0,0 - assuming the size of the image is 20x20px.
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( 0,0, 20, 20, "icon.png" ) end )