
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

This function creates a spawnpoint.


spawnpoint createSpawnpoint ( float x, float y, float z, [ float rotation = 0, int skin = 0,  int interior = 0, int dimension = 0 ] )

Required Arguments

  • x: A floating point number representing the X coordinate on the map.
  • y: A floating point number representing the Y coordinate on the map.
  • z: A floating point number representing the Z coordinate on the map.
  • rotation: A floating point number representing the spawn's rotation about the Z axis in degrees.
  • skin: An integer representing the skin ID (see character skins).
  • interior: An integer representing the interior in which the spawnpoint spawns players.
  • dimension: An integer representing the diimension in which the spawnpoint spawns players.


Returns the spawnpoint element if creation was successful, false otherwise.


This function lets the player create a new spawnpoint where he stands, with the skin of his choice.

local spawnpointsTable = { }
function createSpawnpointCmd(player,cmd,arg1)
    local x, y, z = getElementPosition(player)
    local rot = getPlayerRotation(player)
    local int = getElementInterior(player)
    local dim = getElementDimension(player)
    local skin = getElementModel(player)
    local spawnpoint = exports.spawnmanager:createSpawnpoint(x, y, z, rot, skin, int, dim)
    if spawnpoint then
        table.insert(spawnpointsTable, spawnpoint)
         outputChatBox("Created Spawn Point", player)
         outputChatBox("Failed to create Spawn Point", player)