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The introduction of voice support in 1.1 comes with very basic, yet flexible scripting interface for it.

The purpose of the Voice resource is to provide a typical interface which wraps on top of MTA's own basic scripting, to provide typical features a user would expect of voice chat - including team assignment, channel assignment, and muting. Players can be muted by opening the scoreboard and clicking their name.

Before you begin, you need to open your mtaserver.conf and enable voice support:

<!-- This parameter specifies whether or not to enable player voice chat in-game
    Values: 0 - disabled , 1 - enabled -->


The Voice resource provides channel functionality. A channel is a way of controlling who you can speak to and hear from. There are three main types of channels:

  • Scripted channel: This channel is set using the setPlayerChannel function, and is in the format of a number. Players in channel 1 cannot hear players who are in channel 2.
  • Team channel: Scripts do not have access to this type of channel, but it is quite similar to a scripted channel. This type of channel is automatically assigned based upon the Team autoassignment setting. When players are in a team, getPlayerChannel will return the actual team element. Players of one team channel cannot hear players in another team channel. Equally, players in a team channel cannot hear players in a Scripted Channel.
  • The "root" channel: Players are placed into this channel by default. This channel is associated to the root element concept, and getPlayerChannel will actually return the root element. When a player is in the root channel, he is broadcasting to everyone in the server, and they will be able to hear him. However, he will not be able to hear from people who are either in a Team channel or a Scripted channel.


All settings can be modified using MTA's set() functions, modifying the meta.xml of the resource, or modifying the settings.xml.

Chat Icons

  • Setting name: show_chat_icon
  • Description: A boolean value which allows you to disable or enable the voice chat broadcast icon that appears above a player when he speaks.
  • XML Example:
    <setting name="show_chat_icon" value="[false]"/>

Team autoassignment

  • Setting name: autoassign_to_teams
  • Description: A boolean value which allows you to disable or enable the voice resource automatically managing players into voice channels according to the team they're in.
  • XML Example:
    <setting name="autoassign_to_teams" value="[false]"/>

Clientside Scripting functions

All these scripting functions are clientside and therefore only affect the local player. All functions must be called using the exports system.


This function allows you to determine if a remote player is muted to the local player. In other words, can I hear this other player?

bool exports.voice:isPlayerVoiceMuted ( player playerToCheck )
  • playerToCheck: The player for which you wish to check if they are muted

Returns a bool - true if muted, false' if not


This function allows you to set whether a remote player is muted to the local player. In simple terms, I can set whether I can hear this other player.

bool exports.voice:setPlayerVoiceMuted ( player playerToMute, bool muted )
  • playerToMute: The player for which you wish to mute or unmute
  • muted : A bool of whether they should be muted or unmuted. true for muted, false for unmuted.

Returns a true if the operation was successful, false otherwise

Serverside Scripting functions

All these scripting functions are serverside and can affect all players in the server. All functions must be called using the exports system.


This function allows you to determine if a player is muted to everyone in the server.

bool exports.voice:isPlayerVoiceMuted ( player playerToCheck )
  • playerToCheck: The player for which you wish to check if they are muted

Returns a bool - true if muted, false' if not


This function allows you to set whether a player is muted to everyone in the server.

bool exports.voice:setPlayerVoiceMuted ( player playerToMute, bool muted )
  • playerToMute: The player for which you wish to mute or unmute
  • muted : A bool of whether they should be muted or unmuted. true for muted, false for unmuted.

Returns a true if the operation was successful, false otherwise


This function allows you to retrive a list of the players who have muted a specified player

table exports.voice:getPlayerVoiceMutedByList( player playerToCheck )
  • playerToCheck: The player who you wish to retrieve the list of who has muted this player

Returns a table of players who have muted the specified player.


This function allows you to get what voice chat channel the specified player is in.

int/element exports.voice:getPlayerChannel ( player playerToCheck )
  • playerToCheck: The player who you wish to retrieve the channel of

Returns an integer of the channel ID they are in, or a team element if they have been assigned to a team channel, or the root element if they are not in a specific channel.


This function allows you to set what voice chat channel the specified player is in.

bool exports.voice:setPlayerChannel ( player playerToCheck, [ int channelID ] )
  • playerToCheck: The player who you wish to set the channel of
  • channelID : Optional: The channel ID you wish to assign to this player. Not passing this argument will allow the Voice resource to automatically manage this player (e.g. Team assignment).

Returns true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.


This function allows you to retrive a list of the players who are in a certain channel.

table exports.voice:getPlayersInChannel ( int channelID )
  • channelID : The channelID which you want to get the list of players from.

Returns a table of players are in the specified channel.


This function allows you to get the next channel ID which is completely empty, allowing for easy creation of new channels

int getNextEmptyChannel ( )

Returns an integer of the first channel ID which is completely empty.