Responsibilities as a MTA developer

From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

When you enter this page, you probably know that I am addressing you. Or not, if you just came by to read another of my articles. As a MTA developer I mean for once the guys working their backs off to deliver the MTA runtime for us and the casual scripter that wants to unleash his creativity on the MTA platform. Each of these plays his role in the MTA community, and I would like to elaborate my vision on that.

MTA Developers

All MTA developers deserve credit for exposing functionality to the common public. They are doing this for no cash whatsoever, at least what I know of. They for once are led by the urge of the community and for the other by their own beliefs as to what is required for MTA.

Talking to MTA developers deserves the up-most respect. You gotta know that they are busy guys who cannot chit-chat with everybody, or else your favorite multi-player mod will not progress. Development is not an easy topic either, so that should explain why developers cannot answer all of your questions. Nonetheless, they are the most valuable source for knowledge on the GTA:SA engine and the MTA runtime. The best place to contact MTA developers is at the channel on

MTA Scripters

The MTA scripters are the guys utilizing the MTA runtime. In short, you guys make us MTA developers happy! Without you, the MTA platform would not be as creative as it is today. You deliver our players with servers and spark interest in our modification. And you do have responsibilities that we MTA developers expect from you.

Responsibilities as a scripter

You are coding on the MTA platform. This implies that you keep yourself up to date with the recent development trends.

  • If a function is declared deprecated, you should fix your scripts.
  • Participate on the MTA community (
  • Give feedback about your use of the MTA runtime at
  • Explore the meaning behind the functions you use on a daily basis (by asking!)

But you also face the game, GTA:SA. What does that mean to you?

  • Acquire a basic knowledge of the engine fundamentals
  • Know the background of engine-specific functions
  • Get to know about engine 'bugs' that you face
  • Know how to optimize your creations for the MTA runtime

To meet these responsibilities all you have to do is keep yourself up-to-date with the MTA community. If you want to be minimalist, chat around with guys at #mta at least, but be sure not to steer the topic away from important matters (you know? actual MTA chat? *wink*). Also spread awareness of this page, so you help improving the community spirit.


You define the MTA community. The community needs you. We developers need you. Stay with us, and participate on the affairs discussed here. And most importantly, have fun.

Yours, Martin Turski (a.k.a. The_GTA)