Talk:Data Types

From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

data-types ~= userdata-types

Not that this listing isn't helpful, but some correctness would help keep things clear, even if we aren't publishing this page.

Strictly speaking, these aren't Lua datatypes - Lua does only have a number type, not int / float, and all "special" types from MTA belong in Lua's userdata type. Other true Lua datatypes as functions, tables, threads and nil aren't mentioned here.

Seems there are a few more non-element kinds of MTA userdata, such as timers and resources. Also, GUI elements could probably be renamed to GUI objects or widgets to avoid confusion.

--jbeta 18:37, 3 June 2007 (CDT)

  • I just saw Norby editing this, and found that it was HORRIBLY outdated (probably this page was started ~a4 - before the idea of "elements" was introduced). I decided to update it a little (dont have much time). I understand that lots of stuff is missing, and am considering merging all the element tree into one description which talks about elements, and links to element page for specifics --Talidan2 16:00, 4 June 2007 (CDT)
    • I'm creating a new page listing MTA classes found in scripting. Almost all elements are already covered in Elements. As for Lua datatype info, we can just link to the relevant Lua manual pages to avoid unneccessary effort. --jbeta 19:09, 27 August 2007 (CDT)