Talk:Proposal: Map menu hotkey

From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

You are probably referring to fr.lua. The only purpose of that script is to make it easier for us QA to test a bunch of stuff. It is not intended for new users. Ideally, players will never need to use any console commands. The map and scripts that are running should give players anything they need without any complex input from them (i.e. plenty of parked cars and weapon pickups, an easy-to-use clothes shop, etc.).

If they wish, scripts creators can create menus to perform some of these functions. It should definately not be standardized as everyone will have different needs. If someone comes up with a particularly good menu script, others can simply include it in their .map files. This is precisely what we are getting the new GUI functions for.

--Erorr404 00:43, 22 December 2006 (CST)

That isn't the point, the point is providing a standard key that will open whatever menu the script specifies. This doesn't limit what the users can do with that menu. eAi 19:44, 23 December 2006 (CST)