User:Erorr404/My Resources/Camera Tools Documentation

From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

Only one of the three camera modes can be enabled at a time (auto rotate, manual rotate, or freecam), and none can be enabled while a path is being played.

Auto rotate - rotates the camera around an element, bouncing vertically from the lower boundary to the upper boundary (minVerticalAngle to maxVerticalAngle).

bool enableAutoRotate ( float pointX, float pointY, float pointZ, [float cameraDistanceFromPoint = 10, float minVerticalAngleDeg = 75, float maxVerticalAngleDeg = 75, float degreesPerFrame = 1] )
bool enableAutoRotateAroundElement ( element theElementToRotateAround, [float cameraDistanceFromElement = 10, float minVerticalAngleDeg = 75, float maxVerticalAngleDeg = 75, float degreesPerFrame = 1] )
bool disableAutoRotate ()

Manual rotate - allows the player to rotate the camera using their mouse.

bool enableManualRotate ( float pointX, float pointY, float pointZ, [float cameraDistanceFromPoint = 10, float minVerticalAngleDeg = 1, float maxVerticalAngleDeg = 179, float maxHorizontalDegreesPerFrame = 30, float maxVerticalDegreesPerFrame = 30] )
bool enableManualRotateAroundElement ( element theElementToRotateAround, [float cameraDistanceFromElement = 10, float minVerticalAngleDeg = 1, float maxVerticalAngleDeg = 179, float maxHorizontalDegreesPerFrame = 30, float maxVerticalDegreesPerFrame = 30] )
bool disableManualRotate ()

Free camera - allows the player to move the camera anywhere in the GTA world using keyboard and mouse.

bool enableFreecam ( [float minVerticalAngleDeg = 1, float maxVerticalAngleDeg = 179, float maxHorizontalDegreesPerFrame = 30, float maxVerticalDegreesPerFrame = 30] )
bool disableFreecam ()

Paths - allows recording and playing back of the camera's motion. For example, paths can be used to record elaborate cut scenes made with the free camera.

A path must be loaded from a file before it can be played back.

Paths file are saved in and loaded from the player's client-side resource cache, in their local camera_tools folder.

bool loadPathFromFileName ( string fileName )
bool playPath ( [float speed = 1] )
bool stopPath ()
bool pausePath ()
bool resumePath ()
nil startRecord ( string fileName, [int updateTimeMilliseconds = 50] )
nil stopRecord ()

NOTE: the smaller the update time, the larger the path file will be