
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
Coder.gif This user is an MTA developer

Left 4 Dead MTA developer/owner, Zombie hell party developer & staff member.

Kenix's TODO list:

  • Write function guiLabelGetColor on client side
int int int guiLabelGetColor ( element guiLabel )
  • Write functions guiGridListSetColumnTitle/guiGridListGetColumnTitle on client side
bool guiGridListSetColumnTitle ( element guiGridList, int columnIndex, string title )
string guiGridListGetColumnTitle ( element guiGridList, int columnIndex )
  • Write functions getEventHandlers on client/server side
table getEventHandlers ( string eventName, element attachedTo )
  • Write functions set/get/resetMoonSize on client/server side | Adress BYTE 0x8D4B60
setMoonSize ( int size ) -- set's size of the moon, possible values >= 0
getMoonSize ()
resetMoonSize ()
  • Write nitro functions on client side
bool isVehicleNitroRecharging ( vehicle theVehicle )
bool isVehicleNitroActivated ( vehicle theVehicle )
int getVehicleNitroCount ( vehicle theVehicle )
float getVehicleNitroLevel ( vehicle theVehicle )

bool setVehicleNitroActivated ( vehicle theVehicle, bool bActivated ) 
bool setVehicleNitroCount ( vehicle theVehicle, int iCount )
bool setVehicleNitroLevel ( vehicle theVehicle, float fLevel )

Nitro issues

  • Nitro functions doesn't working correctly if vehicle is streamed out but you use this functions.
  • Nitro particle doesn't synced
  • onClientVehicleNitroStateChange doesn't work if nitro count == 0 ( but nitro still exists )
  • Nitro upgrade automaticly removed by increment ( nitro count 1 -> use nitro -> nitro is empty -> nitro count now 0 -> nitro upgrade removed ). Need injection in code. Also if upgrade is removed, function getVehicleUpgradeOnSlot still return an upgrade id but upgrade doesn't exists.
  • Need better function for check if nitro exists. Because if use getVehicleNitroCount > 0 make nonsense if we use last nitro ( nitro count changed to zero ).

Next functions

  • Add more arguments for function setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled.

"LOCATION_DEPENDENT_VEHICLE_AIR_RESISTANCE" ( Disable extra air resistance ) 0x72DDD9 = 0

  • Add a regular stuff like: pregMatch, pregReplace, pregFind
table pregMatch ( string base, string pattern )
string pregReplace ( string base, string pattern, string replace )
bool pregFind ( string base, string pattern )
  • Write function for check if vehicle on fire ( physically ) isVehicleOnFire
  • Try to make a setPedAimTarget working for localPlayer too
  • Add a multilanguage support with Talidan
  • Try to fix a custom animations brunch
  • Write drawing lib used smth like OOP in Lua

All figures ( custom with your points too ) All elements ( label, checkbox, combobox, editbox, .. ) Ingame Editor ( with output code and etc )





delete( pObject ); 


pCustomWindow = CDrawing():Custom();
-- x, y points
pCustomWindow:AddDrawingPoints( { { 2, 5, 10, 5, 2, 1, 10, 1 } );
pCustomWindowTitle = pCustomWindow:Title( 'Title' );
pCustomWindowTitle:SetPosition( { ... } );

pDefaultWindow = CDrawing():Window( 'Default window' );
pDefaultWindowLabel = pDefaultWindow:Label( 'Default label' );
pDefaultWindowLabel:SetColor( { 255, 0, 255, 123 } );

pDefaultWindowLabel.OnClick = function()
 outputChatBox( 'smth' );