User talk:Erorr404/Editor/design

From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

Hey erorr, now that onClientClick passes a GUI element, can you add a check to prevent clicking on GUI causing picking up an element

  • Don't see a good way of doing this. I'll have to write a function that you call when you use the GUI that prevents them from interfering. --Erorr404 02:56, 10 June 2007 (CDT)
    • But "onClientClick ( string button, string state, cursorX, cursorY, worldX, worldY, worldZ, element clickedWorld, element clickedGUI )". Why not just add the last parameter, then use if (not clickedGUI) then?
      • Ok done. --Erorr404 20:27, 10 June 2007 (CDT)