From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
This function allows retrieval of a GUI element's current position, relative to its parent.
float, float guiGetPosition ( element guiElement, bool relative )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: GuiElement:getPosition(...)
- Variable: .position
- Counterpart: guiSetPosition
Required Arguments
- guiElement: The gui element of which you wish to retrieve the position.
- relative: A boolean representing whether the position should be relative to the element's parent width, or the number of offset pixels from the parent's origin.
Returns floats representing the x and y position of the element, or false if the position could not be retrieved.
This example checks which corner a gui element exists in
function positionCheck ( guiElement ) local x,y = guiGetPosition ( guiElement, true ) --get the position local position --define the position if ( x == 0.5 ) and ( y == 0.5 ) then --if its bang in the middle position = "middle" --set position to middle elseif ( x > 0.5 ) and ( y > 0.5 ) then --if its in the right bottom position = "right-bottom" elseif ( x < 0.5 ) and ( y < 0.5 ) then --if its in the left top position = "left-top" elseif ( x < 0.5 ) and ( y > 0.5 ) then --if its in the left bottom position = "left-bottom" elseif ( x > 0.5 ) and ( y < 0.5 ) then --if its in the right top position = "right-top" else --if it couldnt be retrieved position = "unknown" end --announce this into the chatbox outputChatBox ( "The gui element's position is "..position.."!" ) end
See Also
General functions
- guiBlur
- guiFocus
- guiGetAlpha
- guiGetCursorType
- guiGetEnabled
- guiGetFont
- guiGetInputEnabled
- guiGetInputMode
- guiGetPosition
- guiGetProperties
- guiGetProperty
- guiGetScreenSize
- guiGetSize
- guiGetText
- guiGetVisible
- guiMoveToBack
- guiSetAlpha
- guiSetEnabled
- guiSetFont
- guiSetInputEnabled
- guiSetInputMode
- guiSetPosition
- guiSetProperty
- guiSetSize
- guiSetText
- guiSetVisible
- isChatBoxInputActive
- isConsoleActive
- isDebugViewActive
- isMainMenuActive
- isMTAWindowActive
- isTransferBoxActive
- setDebugViewActive
- guiCreateComboBox
- guiComboBoxAddItem
- guiComboBoxClear
- guiComboBoxGetItemCount
- guiComboBoxGetItemText
- guiComboBoxGetSelected
- guiComboBoxIsOpen
- guiComboBoxRemoveItem
- guiComboBoxSetItemText
- guiComboBoxSetOpen
- guiComboBoxSetSelected
Edit Boxes
- guiCreateGridList
- guiGridListAddColumn
- guiGridListAddRow
- guiGridListAutoSizeColumn
- guiGridListClear
- guiGridListGetColumnCount
- guiGridListGetColumnTitle
- guiGridListGetColumnWidth
- guiGridListGetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiGridListGetItemColor
- guiGridListGetItemData
- guiGridListGetItemText
- guiGridListGetRowCount
- guiGridListGetSelectedCount
- guiGridListGetSelectedItem
- guiGridListGetSelectedItems
- guiGridListGetSelectionMode
- guiGridListIsSortingEnabled
- guiGridListGetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiGridListInsertRowAfter
- guiGridListRemoveColumn
- guiGridListRemoveRow
- guiGridListSetColumnTitle
- guiGridListSetColumnWidth
- guiGridListSetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiGridListSetItemColor
- guiGridListSetItemData
- guiGridListSetItemText
- guiGridListSetScrollBars
- guiGridListSetSelectedItem
- guiGridListSetSelectionMode
- guiGridListSetSortingEnabled
- guiGridListSetVerticalScrollPosition
Radio Buttons
- guiCreateScrollPane
- guiScrollPaneGetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiScrollPaneGetVerticalScrollPosition
- guiScrollPaneSetHorizontalScrollPosition
- guiScrollPaneSetScrollBars
- guiScrollPaneSetVerticalScrollPosition
Static Images
Tab Panels
Text Labels
- guiCreateLabel
- guiLabelGetColor
- guiLabelGetFontHeight
- guiLabelGetTextExtent
- guiLabelSetColor
- guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign
- guiLabelSetVerticalAlign
- onClientGUIAccepted
- onClientGUIBlur
- onClientGUIChanged
- onClientGUIClick
- onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted
- onClientGUIDoubleClick
- onClientGUIFocus
- onClientGUIMouseDown
- onClientGUIMouseUp
- onClientGUIMove
- onClientGUIScroll
- onClientGUISize
- onClientGUITabSwitched
- onClientMouseEnter
- onClientMouseLeave
- onClientMouseMove
- onClientMouseWheel