Modules/MTA-MySQL/mysql affected rows

From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

Package-x-generic.png This function is provided by the external module MTA-MySQL. You must install this module to use this function.

Returns the number of changed rows (for UPDATE), inserted rows (for INSERT) or deleted rows (for DELETE) in the last query. For SELECT statements it works like mysql_num_rows.


int mysql_affected_rows ( MySQLConnection handler )

Required arguments

  • handler: A valid MySQL link


The number of affected rows in the last query.


Example 1: This example shows the number of deleted rows after deleting all accounts starting with 'A'

mysql_query(handler, "DELETE FROM account WHERE name LIKE 'A%'")
outputDebugString("We deleted a total of " .. mysql_affected_rows(handle) .. " accounts starting with 'A'")

See also