Modules/MTA-MySQL/mysql insert id

From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

Package-x-generic.png This function is provided by the external module MTA-MySQL. You must install this module to use this function.

Returns the value generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT field in the last query.

For more information about when is this value updated visit


int mysql_insert_id ( MySQLConnection handler )

Required arguments

  • handler: A valid MySQL link


The value generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT field in the last query.


Example 1: This example creates an account for a player when they use /register, and tells them their database id.

function RegisterPlayer(playerSource, commandName, _password)
  local name = mysql_escape_string(handler, getPlayerName(playerSource)) -- Escape the strings to avoid SQL-Injection
  local password = mysql_escape_string(handler, _password)
  local query = "INSERT INTO account SET name='" .. name .. "', password=MD5('" .. password .. "')"

  if (mysql_query(handler, query)) then
    outputChatBox("Account created successfuly with id #" .. mysql_insert_id(handler), playerSource)
    outputChatBox("An error has occured when trying to create your account.", playerSource)

addCommandHandler("register", RegisterPlayer)

See also