
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

This event occurs when double clicking on any dgs-element.


string button, int absoluteX, int absoluteY
  • button: the name of the button which will be clicked , it can be left, right, middle
  • state: the state of the mouse button. Can be down or up.
  • absoluteX: the X position of the mouse cursor, in pixels, measured from the left side of the screen.
  • absoluteY: the Y position of the mouse cursor, in pixels, measured from the top of the screen.


The source of this event is the DGS element that was double clicked.


This example creates a text button and clicking on it will tell you the position coordinates of the mouse cursor:

DGS = exports.dgs

button = DGS:dgsCreateButton(0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0.05, "Button", true)

addEventHandler( "onDgsMouseDoubleClick", button, 
    function(button, state, x, y)
		if button == 'left' and state == 'up' then
			outputChatBox("This is a test button clicked on X: " .. x .. " Y: " .. y)

See Also

DGS events



Color Picker

Client event functions