
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

This event is triggered when a player chats inside the chat box.


string message, int messageType
  • message: A string representing the message typed into the chat.
  • messageType: An integer value representing the message type:
    • 0: normal message
    • 1: action message (/me)
    • 2: team message


The source of this event is the player who sent the chatbox message.

Cancel effect

If this event is canceled, the game's chat system won't deliver the posts. You may use outputChatBox to send the messages then.


This example limits receiving of chat messages to a spherical area around the player who sent the message, also blocking action and team text.

-- define a handler function that cancels the event so that the message won't be delivered
function blockChatMessage()
-- attach it as a handler to onPlayerChat
addEventHandler( "onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), blockChatMessage )

-- define our chat radius
local chatRadius = 20 --units

-- define another handler that will distribute the message to all nearby players
function sendMessageToNearbyPlayers( message, messageType )
    -- we will only send normal chat messages, action and team types will be ignored
    if messageType == 0 then
        -- get the chatting player's position
        local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition( source )
        -- create a sphere of the specified radius in that position
        local chatSphere = createColSphere( posX, posY, posZ, chatRadius )
        -- get a table all player elements inside it
        local nearbyPlayers = getElementsWithinColShape( chatSphere, "player" )
        -- and destroy the sphere, since we're done with it
        destroyElement( chatSphere )
        -- deliver the message to each player in that table
        for index, nearbyPlayer in ipairs( nearbyPlayers ) do
            outputChatBox( message, nearbyPlayer )
-- attach our new chat handler to onPlayerChat
addEventHandler( "onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), sendMessageToNearbyPlayers )

See Also