
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

Founder, ex-leader and ex-developer from CSG (Community of Social Gaming)

Former co-owner and developer from SAUR (SAUR Utopia RPG)

Wiki changes by me

13th May 2013 Documented: setVehiclePlateText

17th April 2013 Added usefull function: mathNumber

14th April 2013 Documented: setCursorAlpha, getCursorAlpha

18th February 2013 Documented: isPlayerHudComponentVisible

30th January 2013 Documented: GuiGridListGetColumnTitle, GuiGridListSetColumnTitle, GuiGridListGetHorizontalScrollPosition‎, GuiGridListGetVerticalScrollPosition, GuiGridListSetHorizontalScrollPosition‎, GuiGridListSetVerticalScrollPosition‎, ToggleObjectRespawn‎, SetPlayerHudComponentVisible‎, GetPedCameraRotation‎, OnWeaponFire

21th December 2012 Documented: Sha256