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This function returns a named child node of an XML node.
xmlnode xmlFindChild ( xmlnode parent, string tagName, int index )
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- Method: xmlnode:findChild(...)
Required Arguments
- parent: This is an xmlnode that you want to find the child node under.
- tagName: This is the name of the child node you wish to find (case-sensitive).
- index: This is the 0-based index of the node you wish to find. For example, to find the 5th subnode with a particular name, you would use 4 as the index value. To find the first occurence, use 0.
Returns an xmlnode if the node was found, false otherwise.
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ServerIf you wanted to find an instructions node in an xml file like this:
<root version="2.0"> <options> <instructions>Start at the beginning and keep going until the end!</instructions> </options> </root>
You could use the following code to print the text in the instructions node to the chatbox:
local rootNode = xmlLoadFile ( "test.xml" ) local optionsNode = xmlFindChild ( rootNode, "options", 0 ) local instructionsNode = xmlFindChild ( optionsNode, "instructions", 0 ) local instructions = xmlNodeGetValue ( instructionsNode ) xmlUnloadFile(rootNode) outputChatBox ( instructions )
See Also