
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

This function resolves a specified path into its absolute version. The path is resolved from the translator root. This function can be used to get a unique version of a path (without scripting symbols such as '..').


string translator.absPathRoot ( string path )


  • path: the path that should be resolved into an absolute path; can be nil to return the absolute location of the translator (on host filesystems such as NTFS or ext3)


This function returns the absolute version of the path that is passed to it, false if the specified path is not accessible by the translator.


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This snippet checks whether the path given to it is valid for the resource.

-- Get a handle to the resource instance directory.
local resRoot = fileCreateTranslator( "/" );

-- Create our utility function.
local function isPathValidForResource( path )
    return not ( resRoot.absPathRoot( path ) == false );

-- Is the path inside of/valid for our resource? Should return false.
local myPathValidity = isPathValidForResource( "C:/Windows/System32/" );

outputChatBox( "the windows system directory is " .. ( myPathValidity and "" or "not " ) .. "valid." );

FileSystem Translator Functions