From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
This function checks whether a specified file exists on a MTA:Eir FileSystem translator.
bool translator.exists ( string filePath )
- filePath: the path to the file that should exist
This function returns true if the given path points to a valid file instance on a FileSystem, false otherwise.
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ClientThis snippet checks whether a file exists on the client. Otherwise, the file is created.
-- Attempt to get a link to our resource directory. local resRoot = fileCreateTranslator( "/" ); if not ( resRoot ) then outputDebugString( "could not link the resource instance directory" ); return false; end -- Check file existence. local fileName = "someFile.txt"; if not ( resRoot.exists( fileName ) ) then local fileHandle = fileName, "wb+" ); -- Write our watermark! fileHandle.write( "this file is legit." ); end
FileSystem Translator Functions
- open
- exists
- createDir
- chdir
- delete
- copy
- rename
- size
- stat
- relPath
- relPathRoot
- absPath
- absPathRoot
- scanDir
- scanDirEx
- getDirs
- getFiles