
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

Package-x-generic.png This function is provided by the external module IRCEcho. You must install this module to use this function.

Can be used to check if the user has Halfop or higher


function ircIsHalfop ( IRCConnection irc, string channel, string nick )

Required arguments

  • irc: The IRCConnection
  • channel: The channel that you want to check on
  • nick: The person that you want to check on


Example 1: This script can be used from irc, so that people with Halfop or higher can use !asay

function irc_onPrivMsg( szChannel, szNick, szText )
  	if string.find( szText, "!asay" ) == 1 then
		if ( ircIsHalfop( pIRC, szChannel, szNick ) ) then
		  	local Message = string.sub(szText, 6)
		  	outputChatBox("The admin says: " .. Message, getRootResource(), 255, 0, 0)

See also