
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

Package-x-generic.png This function is provided by the external module IRCEcho. You must install this module to use this function.

Displays an message to an IRC Channel


function ircMessage ( IRCConnection irc, string channel, string message )

Required arguments

  • irc: The IRCConnection
  • channel: The channel or person you want to send the message to
  • message: The message


Example 1: This echo is displaying all the ingame chat to #mta with the IRCConnection stored in pIRC

function ChatToIRC( message, type )
	if (type == 0) then -- Its an normal chatmessage
		ircMessage( pIRC, "#mta", "CHAT:�� " .. getClientName( source ) .. ": " .. message )
	elseif (type == 1) then -- Its an action
		ircMessage( pIRC, "#mta", "ACTION: " .. getClientName( source ) .. ": " .. message )
	elseif (type == 2) then -- Teamchat message
		ircMessage( pIRC, "#mta", "TEAMCHAT: " .. getClientName( source ) .. ": " .. message )

addEventHandler( "onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), ChatToIRC )

See also