
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

With this function, you can set if a ped has a head or not.


bool setPedHeadless  ( ped thePed, bool headState )

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Method: ped:setHeadless(...)
Variable: .headless

Required Arguments

  • thePed: The ped to check.
  • headState: head state, use true if you want the ped be headless, use false to give back the head.


Returns true if successful, false otherwise


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This example enables a player to behead themselves, and give them their head back.

function removeMyHead(thePlayer)
	setPedHeadless(thePlayer, true) -- Removes the players head
	outputChatBox("You have been beheaded!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) -- A confirmation message for the player
addCommandHandler("beheadme", removeMyHead)

function giveBackHead(thePlayer)
	setPedHeadless(thePlayer, false) -- Gives the player a head
	outputChatBox("You have been given a head!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) -- A confirmation message for the player
addCommandHandler("headmeup", giveBackHead)

See Also