From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
Here is a list of all MTA:Lua classes that native MTA:Eir supports. They are defined in the MTA:Lua class system. MTA:Lua is the Lua implementation developed and specialized for MTA:Eir.
Game classes
Game Entity
- setRotation
- getRotation
- setModel
- getModel
- setHealth
- getHealth
- fix
- blow
- isBlown
- setExplodeTime
- getExplodeTime
- setBurningTime
- getBurningTime
- addUpgrade
- getUpgradeOnSlot
- getUpgrades
- setHandling
- getHandling
- removeUpgrade
- getOccupant
- getOccupants
- setOverrideLights
- getOverrideLights
- setTaxiLightOn
- isTaxiLightOn
- isUpsideDown
- setColor
- setColorRGB
- getColor
- getColorRGB
- setHeadLightColor
- getHeadLightColor
- attachTrailer
- detachTrailer
- getTowBarPos
- getTowHitchPos
- setAdjustableProperty
- getAdjustableProperty
- setGravity
- getGravity
- setDoorState
- getDoorState
- setLightState
- getLightState
- setPanelState
- getPanelState
- setWheelStates
- getWheelStates
- cloneClump
- getComponent
- getComponentNames
- setEngineState
- getEngineState
- setHandbrakeOn
- isHandbrakeOn
- setLandingGearDown
- getLandingGearDown
- setLandingGearPosition
- getLandingGearPosition
- setBrakePedal
- setGasPedal
- setSteerAngle
- setSecSteerAngle
- getCurrentGear
- getBrakePedal
- getGasPedal
- getSteerAngle
- getSecSteerAngle
- setNitrousFuel
- getNitrousFuel
- setPaintjob
- getPaintjob
- getPlateText
- setSirensOn
- getTowedByVehicle
- getTowingVehicle
- setTurnVelocity
- getTurnVelocity
- setTurretRotation
- getTurretRotation
- setDamageProof
- isDamageProof
- setFrozen
- isFrozen
- setFuelTankExplodable
- isFuelTankExplodable
- setHeatSeekable
- isHeatSeekable
- setLocked
- isLocked
- isOnGround
- setDirtLevel
- getDirtLevel
- setDoorsUndamageable
- areDoorsUndamageable
- setDoorOpenRatio
- getDoorOpenRatio
- allowSwingingDoors
- areSwingingDoorsAllowed
- setRotorSpeed
- getRotorSpeed
- setSearchLightVisible
- isSearchLightVisible
- setHeliWinchType
- getHeliWinchType
- pickUpWithWinch
- getWinchedEntity
- releaseWinched
- setSmokeTrailEnabled
- isSmokeTrailEnabled
- setTrainDirection
- getTrainDirection
- setTrainSpeed
- getTrainSpeed
- getNextCarriage
- setNextCarriage
- setPreviousCarriage
- getPreviousCarriage
- setDerailable
- isDerailable
- setDerailed
- isDerailed
- setRotation
- getRotation
- setHealth
- getHealth
- isDead
- setModel
- getModel
- addClothes
- getClothes
- removeClothes
- setControlState
- getControlState
- getAmmoInClip
- getTotalAmmo
- setWeaponSlot
- getWeaponSlot
- getWeapon
- setArmor
- getArmor
- getContactElement
- getFightingStyle
- getMoveState
- getVehicle
- getVehicleSeat
- getTarget
- giveJetPack
- hasJetPack
- removeJetPack
- setChoking
- isChoking
- setDoingGangDriveby
- isDucked
- isInWater
- isOnGround
- isInVehicle
- setAnimation
- setAnimationProgress
- setHeadless
- isHeadless
- setOnFire
- isOnFire
- getStat
- setHealth
- getHealth
- setRotation
- getRotation
- setModel
- getModel
- cloneAtomic
- setObjectStatic
- isObjectStatic
- setObjectScale
- getObjectScale
RenderWare engine classes
- getName
- setName
- getHash
- getLTM
- setModelling
- getModelling
- setPosition
- getPosition
- getObjects
- findFrame
- getLinkedFrames
- isValidChild
- clone
- setClump
- getClump
- render
- getWorldSphere
- replaceModel
- isReplaced
- getReplaced
- restoreModel
- restoreAll
- clone
- render
- getAtomics
- getLights
- getCameras
- replaceModel
- isReplaced
- getReplaced
- restoreModel
- restoreAll
- clone
- getLightType
- setClump
- getClump
- setRadius
- getRadius
- setConeAngle
- getConeAngle
- setColor
- getColor
- setAttenuation
- getAttenuation
- setLightIndex
- getLightIndex
- addToScene
- isAddedToScene
- removeFromScene
FileSystem Translator Functions
- open
- exists
- createDir
- chdir
- delete
- copy
- rename
- size
- stat
- relPath
- relPathRoot
- absPath
- absPathRoot
- scanDir
- scanDirEx
- getDirs
- getFiles
FileSystem Archive Translator Functions
FileSystem File Functions
- read
- readByte
- readUByte
- readShort
- readUShort
- readInt
- readUInt
- readFloat
- readDouble
- readBoolean
- write
- writeByte
- writeUByte
- writeShort
- writeUShort
- writeInt
- writeUInt
- writeFloat
- writeDouble
- writeBoolean
- size
- stat
- tell
- seek
- eof
- flush
- isWritable
- isReadable