
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

This function allows the setting of the position of a text item.


bool textItemSetPosition ( textitem theTextItem, float x, float y )              

Required Arguments

  • theTextItem: The text item that you want to move
  • x: A floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating how far across the screen the text should be shown, as a percentage of the width, from the left hand side.
  • y: A floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating how far down the screen the text should be shown, as a percentage of the height, from the top.


Returns true if the position was successfully set, false otherwise.


This example creates a text item 'myTextItem' only if the text item 'otherTextItem' is not in the same position, to prevent overlap. If it is in the same position, then it moves it down.

myDisplay = textCreateDisplay ( )                    -- create a text display
textDisplayAddObserver ( myDisplay, myPlayer )      -- make it visible to the player
x,y = textItemGetPosition ( otherTextItem )         -- get the position of 'otherTextItem'
if ( x == 0.5 ) and ( y == 0.5 ) then               -- if the x and y of the text item are in the middle
    textItemSetPosition ( otherTextItem, 0.5, 0.6 ) -- move otherTextItem down
myTextItem = textCreateTextItem ( "Hello world!", 0.5, 0.5 ) -- create a new text item in the middle saying "Hello world"
textDisplayAddText ( myDisplay, myTextItem )        -- and add it to the text display

See Also