From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki
Returns the states of all effects of a sound.
table getSoundEffects ( element sound )
OOP Syntax Help! I don't understand this!
- Method: sound:getEffects(...)
Required Arguments
- sound: a sound element.
Returns a table with the effect names as the keys, and their states as the values if successful. Otherwise, it returns false.
Sound effect names:
- gargle
- compressor
- echo
- i3dl2reverb
- distortion
- chorus
- parameq
- reverb
- flanger
function switchEffects(sound) for _,v in ipairs(getSoundEffects(sound)) do -- Go through the whole list of sound effects for the sound if v == "gargle" then -- If the sound effect is 'gargle', proceed setSoundEffectEnabled(sound, "gargle", false) -- Disable the 'gargle' -effect end end end
See Also
- getSoundBufferLength
- getSoundEffects
- getSoundFFTData
- getSoundLength
- getSoundLevelData
- getSoundMaxDistance
- getSoundMetaTags
- getSoundMinDistance
- getSoundPan
- getSoundPosition
- getSoundProperties
- getSoundSpeed
- getSoundVolume
- getSoundWaveData
- isSoundPanningEnabled
- isSoundPaused
- playSFX
- playSFX3D
- playSound
- playSound3D
- playSoundFrontEnd
- setRadioChannel
- setSoundEffectEnabled
- setSoundMaxDistance
- setSoundMinDistance
- setSoundPan
- setSoundPanningEnabled
- setSoundPaused
- setSoundPosition
- setSoundProperties
- setSoundSpeed
- setSoundVolume
- stopSound