This function is for creating a new DGS edit box. This is a text box in which the user can input text. Edit boxes only allow a single line of text. If you want to allow multiple lines of text create a memo box using dgsCreateMemo. |
element dgsCreateEdit ( float x, float y, float width, float height, string text, bool relative, [element parent = nil, int textcolor = FF000000, float scalex = 1, float scaley = 1,element imagebg = nil, element colorbg = FFC8C8C8, bool selectmode = false] )
Required Arguments
- x: A float of the 2D x position of the DGS edit box on a player's screen. This is affected by the relative argument.
- y: A float of the 2D y position of the DGS edit box on a player's screen. This is affected by the relative argument.
- width: A float of the width of the DGS edit box. This is affected by the relative argument.
- height: A float of the height of the DGS edit box. This is affected by the relative argument.
- text: A string of the text that will be displayed by default in the edit box.
- relative: This is whether sizes and positioning are relative. If this is true, then all x,y,width,height floats must be between 0 and 1, representing measures relative to the parent.
Optional Arguments
NOTE: When using optional arguments, you might need to supply all arguments before the one you wish to use. For more information on optional arguments, see optional arguments.
- parent: This is the parent that the DGS edit box is attached to. If the relative argument is true, sizes and positioning will be made relative to this parent. If the relative argument is false, positioning will be the number of offset pixels from the parent's origin. If no parent is passed, the parent will become the screen - causing positioning and sizing according to screen positioning.
- textcolor: An int of the color of the text.
- scalex: A float of the multiplier of the width of the text.
- scaley: A float of the multiplier of the height of the text.
- imagebg: A texture element of the background of the DGS edit box.
- colorbg: An int of the color of the background of the DGS edit box.
- selectmode : A bool of whether the select background color is above the text or under the text.
Returns a dgs-dxedit element of the created edit box if it was successfully created, false otherwise.
This example creates an edit box alongside an "Output!" button. When the button is clicked, it will output the message in the edit box into the Chat Box.
DGS = exports.dgs --create our button button = DGS:dgsCreateButton( 0.7, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, "OK", true ) --Create an edit box and define it as "editBox". editBox = DGS:dgsCreateEdit( 0.3, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, "", true ) --setup our function to output the message to the chatbox function outputEditBox ( button, state ) local text = DGS:dgsGetText ( editBox )--get the text from the edit box outputChatBox ( text ) --output that text end addEventHandler ( "onDgsMouseClick", button, outputEditBox )
This example creates an edit box and sets the input focus so the player does not have to click before typing:
DGS = exports.dgs local editBox = DGS:dgsCreateEdit( 0.3, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, "", true ) DGS:dgsBringToFront( editBox ) DGS:dgsEditSetCaretPosition( editBox, 1 )
Edit by: Senpai This example masks the password:
DGS = exports.dgs local editBox = DGS:dgsCreateEdit( 0.3, 0.1, 0.4, 0.1, "", true ) DGS:dgsSetProperty(editBox,"masked",true) --if its true then it will be masked
See Also
- dgsGetPosition
- dgsSetPosition
- dgsSetParent
- dgsGetParent
- dgsGetChild
- dgsGetChildren
- dgsGetSize
- dgsSetSize
- dgsGetType
- dgsSetLayer
- dgsGetLayer
- dgsSetCurrentLayerIndex
- dgsGetCurrentLayerIndex
- dgsGetLayerElements
- dgsGetProperty
- dgsSetProperty
- dgsSetPropertyInherit
- dgsGetProperties
- dgsSetProperties
- dgsGetVisible
- dgsSetVisible
- dgsGetEnabled
- dgsSetEnabled
- dgsGetSide
- dgsSetSide
- dgsGetAlpha
- dgsSetAlpha
- dgsGetFont
- dgsSetFont
- dgsGetText
- dgsSetText
- dgsGetPostGUI
- dgsSetPostGUI
- dgsGetInputEnabled
- dgsSetInputEnabled
- dgsGetInputMode
- dgsSetInputMode
- dgsFocus
- dgsBlur
- dgsCreateFont
- dgsBringToFront
- dgsMoveToBack
- dgsGetScreenSize
- dgsGetCursorPosition
- dgsGetMouseEnterGUI
- dgsGetMouseLeaveGUI
- dgsSetSystemFont
- dgsGetSystemFont
- dgsGetDxGUINoParent
- dgsGetDxGUIFromResource
- dgsGetFocusedGUI
- dgsGetExportedFunctionName
- dgsImportFunction
- dgsImportOOPClass
- dgsG2DLoadHooker
- dgsSetRenderSetting
- dgsGetRenderSetting
- dgsSimulateClick
- dgsGetRootElement
- dgsAddMoveHandler
- dgsRemoveMoveHandler
- dgsIsMoveHandled
- dgsAddSizeHandler
- dgsRemoveSizeHandler
- dgsIsSizeHandled
- dgsAttachElemetns
- dgsDetachElements
- dgsElementIsAttached
- dgsSetDoubleClickInterval
- dgsGetDoubleClickInterval
Multi Language Supports
- dgsTranslationTableExists
- dgsSetTranslationTable
- dgsAttachToTranslation
- dgsDetachFromTranslation
- dgsSetAttachTranslation
- dgsGetTranslationName
- dgsAnimTo
- dgsIsAniming
- dgsStopAniming
- dgsMoveTo
- dgsIsMoving
- dgsStopMoving
- dgsSizeTo
- dgsIsSizing
- dgsStopSizing
- dgsAlphaTo
- dgsIsAlphaing
- dgsStopAlphaing
- dgsAddEasingFunction
- dgsRemoveEasingFunction
- dgsEasingFunctionExists
3D Interface
- dgsCreate3DInterface
- dgs3DInterfaceGetBlendMode
- dgs3DInterfaceSetBlendMode
- dgs3DInterfaceGetPosition
- dgs3DInterfaceSetPosition
- dgs3DInterfaceGetSize
- dgs3DInterfaceSetSize
- dgs3DInterfaceGetResolution
- dgs3DInterfaceSetResolution
- dgs3DInterfaceAttachToElement
- dgs3DInterfaceIsAttached
- dgs3DInterfaceDetachFromElement
- dgs3DInterfaceSetAttachedOffsets
- dgs3DInterfaceGetAttachedOffsets
- dgs3DInterfaceSetRotation
- dgs3DInterfaceGetRotation
3D Text
- dgsCreate3DText
- dgs3DTextGetDimension
- dgs3DTextSetDimension
- dgs3DTextGetInterior
- dgs3DTextSetInterior
- dgs3DTextAttachToElement
- dgs3DTextIsAttached
- dgs3DTextDetachFromElement
- dgs3DTextSetAttachedOffsets
- dgs3DTextGetAttachedOffsets
Arrow List
- dgsCreateArrowList
- dgsArrowListAddItem
- dgsArrowListRemoveItem
- dgsArrowListSetItemText
- dgsArrowListGetItemText
- dgsArrowListSetItemValue
- dgsArrowListGetItemValue
- dgsArrowListSetItemRange
- dgsArrowListGetItemRange
- dgsArrowListSetItemTranslationTable
- dgsArrowListGetItemTranslationTable
- dgsArrowListSetItemStep
- dgsArrowListGetItemStep
- dgsArrowListGetItemTranslatedValue
- dgsArrowListClear
Check Box
- dgsCreateCheckBox
- dgsCheckBoxGetSelected
- dgsCheckBoxSetSelected
- dgsCheckBoxSetHorizontalAlign
- dgsCheckBoxGetHorizontalAlign
- dgsCheckBoxSetVerticalAlign
- dgsCheckBoxGetVerticalAlign
Combo Box
- dgsCreateComboBox
- dgsComboBoxAddItem
- dgsComboBoxRemoveItem
- dgsComboBoxSetItemText
- dgsComboBoxGetItemText
- dgsComboBoxGetItemCount
- dgsComboBoxClear
- dgsComboBoxSetSelectedItem
- dgsComboBoxGetSelectedItem
- dgsComboBoxSetItemColor
- dgsComboBoxGetItemColor
- dgsComboBoxGetState
- dgsComboBoxSetState
- dgsComboBoxGetBoxHeight
- dgsComboBoxSetBoxHeight
- dgsComboBoxGetScrollBar
- dgsComboBoxSetScrollPosition
- dgsComboBoxGetScrollPosition
- dgsComboBoxSetCaptionText
- dgsComboBoxGetCaptionText
- dgsCreateEdit
- dgsEditMoveCaret
- dgsEditGetCaretPosition
- dgsEditSetCaretPosition
- dgsEditSetCaretStyle
- dgsEditGetCaretStyle
- dgsEditSetWhiteList
- dgsEditGetMaxLength
- dgsEditSetMaxLength
- dgsEditSetReadOnly
- dgsEditGetReadOnly
- dgsEditSetMasked
- dgsEditGetMasked
- dgsEditSetUnderlined
- dgsEditGetUnderlined
- dgsEditSetHorizontalAlign
- dgsEditSetVerticalAlign
- dgsEditGetHorizontalAlign
- dgsEditGetVerticalAlign
- dgsEditSetAlignment
- dgsEditGetAlignment
- dgsEditInsertText
- dgsEditDeleteText
- dgsEditGetPartOfText
- dgsEditClearText
- dgsEditReplaceText
- dgsEditSetTypingSound
- dgsEditGetTypingSound
- dgsEditSetPlaceHolder
- dgsEditGetPlaceHolder
- dgsEditAddAutoComplete
- dgsEditRemoveAutoComplete
- dgsEditSetAutoComplete
- dgsEditGetAutoComplete
Ellipse Detect Area
Detect Area
Grid List
- dgsCreateGridList
- dgsGridListGetScrollBar
- dgsGridListSetScrollPosition
- dgsGridListGetScrollPosition
- dgsGridListSetHorizontalScrollPosition
- dgsGridListGetHorizontalScrollPosition
- dgsGridListSetVerticalScrollPosition
- dgsGridListGetVerticalScrollPosition
- dgsGridListResetScrollBarPosition
- dgsGridListSetColumnRelative
- dgsGridListGetColumnRelative
- dgsGridListAddColumn
- dgsGridListGetColumnCount
- dgsGridListRemoveColumn
- dgsGridListGetColumnAllWidth
- dgsGridListGetColumnHeight
- dgsGridListSetColumnHeight
- dgsGridListGetColumnWidth
- dgsGridListSetColumnWidth
- dgsGridListAutoSizeColumn
- dgsGridListGetColumnTitle
- dgsGridListSetColumnTitle
- dgsGridListGetColumnFont
- dgsGridListSetColumnFont
- dgsGridListAddRow
- dgsGridListRemoveRow
- dgsGridListClearRow
- dgsGridListClearColumn
- dgsGridListClear
- dgsGridListGetRowCount
- dgsGridListSetItemText
- dgsGridListGetItemText
- dgsGridListGetSelectedItem
- dgsGridListSetSelectedItem
- dgsGridListSetItemColor
- dgsGridListGetItemColor
- dgsGridListSetItemData
- dgsGridListGetItemData
- dgsGridListSetItemImage
- dgsGridListGetItemImage
- dgsGridListRemoveItemImage
- dgsGridListGetRowBackGroundImage
- dgsGridListSetRowBackGroundImage
- dgsGridListSetRowBackGroundColor
- dgsGridListGetRowBackGroundColor
- dgsGridListSetRowAsSection
- dgsGridListSelectItem
- dgsGridListItemIsSelected
- dgsGridListSetMultiSelectionEnabled
- dgsGridListGetMultiSelectionEnabled
- dgsGridListSetSelectionMode
- dgsGridListGetSelectionMode
- dgsGridListGetSelectedCount
- dgsGridListGetSelectedItems
- dgsGridListSetSelectedItems
- dgsGridListSetSortFunction
- dgsGridListSetAutoSortEnabled
- dgsGridListGetAutoSortEnabled
- dgsGridListSetSortEnabled
- dgsGridListGetSortEnabled
- dgsGridListSetSortColumn
- dgsGridListGetSortColumn
- dgsGridListGetEnterColumn
- dgsGridListSort
- dgsGridListSetNavigationEnabled
- dgsGridListGetNavigationEnabled
- dgsCreateImage
- dgsImageSetImage
- dgsImageGetImage
- dgsImageSetUVSize
- dgsImageGetUVSize
- dgsImageSetUVPosition
- dgsImageGetUVPosition
- dgsCreateMemo
- dgsMemoMoveCaret
- dgsMemoSeekPosition
- dgsMemoGetScrollBar
- dgsMemoSetScrollPosition
- dgsMemoGetScrollPosition
- dgsMemoSetHorizontalScrollPosition
- dgsMemoGetHorizontalScrollPosition
- dgsMemoSetVerticalScrollPosition
- dgsMemoGetVerticalScrollPosition
- dgsMemoSetCaretPosition
- dgsMemoGetCaretPosition
- dgsMemoSetCaretStyle
- dgsMemoGetCaretStyle
- dgsMemoSetReadOnly
- dgsMemoGetReadOnly
- dgsMemoGetPartOfText
- dgsMemoDeleteText
- dgsMemoInsertText
- dgsMemoClearText
- dgsMemoSetTypingSound
- dgsMemoGetTypingSound
- dgsMemoGetLineCount
- dgsMemoSetWordWarpState
- dgsMemoGetWordWarpState
- dgsMemoSetScrollBarState
- dgsMemoGetScrollBarState
- dgsCreateLabel
- dgsLabelSetColor
- dgsLabelGetColor
- dgsLabelSetHorizontalAlign
- dgsLabelGetHorizontalAlign
- dgsLabelSetVerticalAlign
- dgsLabelGetVerticalAlign
- dgsLabelGetTextExtent
- dgsLabelGetFontHeight
Progress Bar
- dgsCreateProgressBar
- dgsProgressBarGetProgress
- dgsProgressBarSetProgress
- dgsProgressBarGetMode
- dgsProgressBarSetMode
- dgsProgressBarGetStyle
- dgsProgressBarSetStyle
- dgsProgressBarGetStyleProperty
- dgsProgressBarGetStyleProperties
- dgsProgressBarSetStyleProperty
Radio Button
- dgsCreateRadioButton
- dgsRadioButtonGetSelected
- dgsRadioButtonSetSelected
- dgsRadioButtonSetHorizontalAlign
- dgsRadioButtonGetHorizontalAlign
- dgsRadioButtonSetVerticalAlign
- dgsRadioButtonGetVerticalAlign
Scroll Bar
- dgsCreateScrollBar
- dgsScrollBarSetScrollPosition
- dgsScrollBarGetScrollPosition
- dgsScrollBarSetCursorLength
- dgsScrollBarGetCursorLength
- dgsScrollBarSetGrades
- dgsScrollBarGetGrades
- dgsScrollBarSetLocked
- dgsScrollBarGetLocked
Scroll Pane
- dgsCreateScrollPane
- dgsScrollPaneGetScrollBar
- dgsScrollPaneSetScrollPosition
- dgsScrollPaneGetScrollPosition
- dgsScrollPaneSetHorizontalScrollPosition
- dgsScrollPaneGetHorizontalScrollPosition
- dgsScrollPaneSetVerticalScrollPosition
- dgsScrollPaneGetVerticalScrollPosition
- dgsScrollPaneSetScrollBarState
- dgsScrollPaneGetScrollBarState
Switch Button
- dgsCreateSwitchButton
- dgsSwitchButtonGetState
- dgsSwitchButtonSetState
- dgsSwitchButtonSetText
- dgsSwitchButtonGetText
Tab Panel
- dgsCreateTabPanel
- dgsCreateTab
- dgsGetSelectedTab
- dgsSetSelectedTab
- dgsTabPanelGetTabFromID
- dgsTabPanelMoveTab
- dgsTabPanelGetTabID
- dgsDeleteTab
- dgsCreateWindow
- dgsWindowSetSizable
- dgsWindowSetMovable
- dgsWindowGetSizable
- dgsWindowGetMovable
- dgsCloseWindow
- dgsWindowSetCloseButtonEnabled
- dgsWindowGetCloseButtonEnabled
- dgsWindowSetCloseButtonSize
- dgsWindowGetCloseButtonSize
- dgsWindowGetCloseButton
Media Browser
- dgsCreateMediaBrowser
- dgsMediaLoadMedia
- dgsMediaGetMediaPath
- dgsMediaClearMedia
- dgsMediaIsStreamMedia
- dgsMediaPlay
- dgsMediaPause
- dgsMediaStop
- dgsMediaSetSize
- dgsMediaSetFilled
- dgsMediaGetFilled
- dgsMediaSetFullScreen
- dgsMediaGetDuration
- dgsMediaGetCurrentPosition
- dgsMediaSetCurrentPosition
- dgsMediaGetLooped
- dgsMediaSetLooped
Rounded Rectangle
- dgsCreateRoundRect
- dgsRoundRectSetTexture
- dgsRoundRectSetRadius
- dgsRoundRectGetRadius
- dgsRoundRectSetColor
- dgsRoundRectGetColor
- dgsRoundRectSetColorOverwritten
- dgsRoundRectGetColorOverwritten
Color Picker
- dgsCreateColorPicker
- dgsColorPickerSetColor
- dgsColorPickerGetColor
- dgsBindToColorPicker
- dgsUnbindFromColorPicker
- dgsColorPickerCreateComponentSelector
- dgsColorPickerGetComponentSelectorValue
- dgsColorPickerSetComponentSelectorValue