
From Multi Theft Auto: Wiki

Alpha represents the transparency of a dgs element. This function allows retrieval of a dgs element's current alpha.


float dgsGetAlpha ( element dgsElement )

Required Arguments

  • dgsElement: The dgs element in which you want to retrieve the alpha of.


This function returns a positive integer in between 0 and 1 of the dgs element's current alpha, or false if it could not be retrieved.


This example provides a guiFade function, which allows you to fade in/out a DGS GUI.

DGS = exports.dgs
function guiFade( gui, state )
	if state == "in" then -- This state will fade in the DGS GUI
		fadeIn = setTimer(guiFade, 50, 1, gui, state) -- We loop the function to make it lower the alpha each 50 ms
		alpha = DGS:dgsGetAlpha(gui) -- We get the DGS GUI's actual alpha after each loop
		DGS:dgsSetAlpha(gui, alpha - 0.1) -- We set the DGS GUI's actual alpha after each loop
		if alpha == 0 then -- If the loop reached "0"...
			DGS:dgsSetVisible(gui, false) -- We set the DGS GUI visibility to 0 so it won't be clickable or editable
			killTimer(fadeIn) -- ... We kill the timer
			fadeIn = nil -- And to make sure it doesn't exist anymore, we set it to nil
	elseif state == "out" then -- This state will fade out the DGS GUI
		DGS:dgsSetVisible(gui, true) -- Since the GUI will still be click-able, we'll set it's visibility to "false"
		fadeOut = setTimer(guiFade, 50, 1, gui, state) -- We loop the function to make it higher the alpha each 50 ms
		alpha = DGS:dgsGetAlpha(gui) -- We get the DGS GUI's actual alpha after each loop
		DGS:dgsSetAlpha(gui, alpha + 0.1) -- We set the DGS GUI's actual alpha after each loop
		if alpha == 1 then -- If the loop reached "1"...
			killTimer(fadeOut) -- ... We kill the timer
			fadeOut = nil -- And to make sure it doesn't exist anymore, we set it to nil

myWindow = DGS:dgsCreateWindow ( 0.30, 0.10, 0.5, 0.60, "DGS window title", true )

-- NOTE: If you're using a button to pop up the DGS-Element. Use "dgsSetEnabled" along with the button. You'll have also to set a timer in order to disable it by the time it fades, either way it will bug.

See Also

Multi Language Supports


3D Interface

3D Text

Arrow List



Check Box

Combo Box


Ellipse Detect Area

Detect Area

Grid List




Progress Bar

Radio Button

Scroll Bar

Scroll Pane

Switch Button

Tab Panel



Media Browser

Rounded Rectangle

Color Picker

Blur Box

Effect 3D